These are applications you can play, edit, and use for inspiration! Instructions on how to run these games at the bottom of this page.

To use these programs...

☑️ Make sure you have Thonny installed. If you are on a school computer use the Software Center to install. If you are on a personal computer download it from

☑️ Download the program. (buttons on the top of this page).

☑️ Unzip (Extract all files) and put the folder into the location you intend to keep it (One Drive on school computers).

☑️ Find the file with the comment on the top that indicates it is the main file to run the game. (# Run this file to play!)

☑️ The source of the application is also shared in a comment at the top of this file. Go to the GitHub page to learn more about it!

python image 1

☑️ If the file does not run you will need to import any required libraries. Read the output in the Shell to see what is missing.

python image 2

☑️ Install missing libraries.

☑️ Go to Tools > Manage Packages

☑️ Search for missing module(s) indicated in Shell.

python image 3

☑️ Install

python image 4

☑️ Run the Game!

python image 5

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